Bible Verse of the Day

Matthew 21:22
"And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith."

Thursday, October 7, 2010

So groß ist der Herr

My heart and my mind is singing (How great is our God. Sing with me. How great is our God. And all will see. How great. How great is our God.) while writing this blog.

The weather is beautiful again today. No rain. Just sunny with some clouds and coldness in the air. I was not late in our class too. Thank God! I hope I can maintain this being punctual in class.

We have studied and practiced again speaking Deutsch with simple questions and sentences like:
  1. Wie heißen Sie? Wie heißt du? Wie heißt ihr?
  2. Woher kommen Sie? Woher kommst du? Woher kommt ihr?
  3. Wo wohnen Sie? Wo wohnst du? Wo wohnt ihr?
English translation of above-mentioned questions:
  1. These 3 questions have the same meaning- How are you called? or What is your name? Only the last words (Sie, du and ihr) and the suffix of the second words(heißen, heißt) varies. 
  2. Same like in # 1. Where do you come from?
  3. Same like in #1 and 2. Where do you live?

You may check my blog from yesterday for the meaning of Sie, du and ihr in English. It is very important to be familiar or better memorize the personal pronouns + verbs. I have posted it yesterday, but I will do it again here.

We have also listened to an audio CD. And answered this...

 The instruction is: Who is who? Fill out the names.

And for the first time, we had a quiz. Our teacher told us that we should not look at our seatmate's answers. However, it did not happen. Most of my classmates were looking at their seatmates' papers and were talking to their seatmates. But not me! I am strict when it comes to exams.  My principle is:

I'd rather have a wrong answer than to have a correct one by cheating. Thereby, I know where I need to improve and need to learn. This is knowing myself and the level of my knowledge in a particular subject. And if there is another chance to prove myself, then I could do it much better.

As much as I want to have a 100% score. I got a score of 29 out of 30. It is in Part 4. A Telephone conversation with this dialogue,

Person 1: Firma CompuDesign, Annette Huber, guten Tag!
Person 2: Guten Tag! Ich heiße Marteleira. Ist Herr Hofer da?
Person 1: Entschuldigung, Frau...wie ist Ihr Familienname
Person 2: Marteleira. Ich buchstabiere: M-A-R-T-E-L-E-I-R-A:
Person 1: Ach ja. Ja, Frau Marteleira. Es tut mir leid. Herr Hofer ist nicht da.
Person 2: Ja, gut. Danke. Auf Wiederhören.
Person 1: Auf Wiederhören.

The blue colored words are my answers. We have to fill up the blanks. My mistake is in the 3rd sentence. It should not be Familienname. The correct answer is wie ist Ihr Name?

Anyway better luck next time.

We were given some homework to do for tomorrow. Page 101 numbers 19 and 20 and a Project  homework too on Page 104  number 30. I have already answered number 19 and 20 during the class. (Hihihihi! During our seatwork, our teacher was supervising my other classmates who have  yet not finished answering. So I have been answering already our homework. I was just excited to answer.

Project homework is like a research homework. It is about  Deutschsprachige Länder or German Language Countries. We should research it in an Atlas or we can ask too. Hmmm I think asking is not common today since we already have an Internet. :-)

Our project homework is this. My answers are in blue.
3 Städte in Deutschland mit H: Hamm, Hanau, Herne
2 Städte in Deutschland mit M: Münster, Mönchengladbach
1 Fluss in Deutschland mit R: Ruhr
1 See in Deutschland mit B: Bullensee
Deutschland hat 16 Bundesländer. In welchem Bundesland wohnen Sie? Niedersachsen.

Thank you Wikipedia for the answers. 
I am ready for my class tomorrow. :-)

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Quote of the Day

To remember everyday

Never underestimate the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Everybody can make the impossible things happen in the name of the Lord.