Bible Verse of the Day

Matthew 21:22
"And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith."

Friday, October 1, 2010

A nice start in October

CLAP CLAP CLAP I was not late in our class today. I was 20 minutes earlier. The weather this morning was cloudy and cold. But less colder than yesterday.

Our teacher gave us a short spelling game as start of our lesson. And again, I had the difficulty to determine whether she is saying E or I. Unless when I already know the word, then I know how to spell it correctly. We also had to differentiate between a noun and a verb and how it is written in the sentence with regards to the first letter of the word. For a noun, it always start with a capital letter. And for a verb, small letter. Constructing the sentences, correcting, marking the letter that needs to be capitalized. Determining the first name, family name or surname, street name, house number, city, place, and postal code. And we were taught how to and where to write our name and address on the envelope. And we have a long homework to do for our next class on Monday.


A visiting card or Visitenkarte: (looks like a calling card)
Wolfgang Seeber

Siegener Str. 7
65936 Frankfurt a.M.

Vorname or First Name is Wolfgang.
Geschäftsführer is the position or occupation.
Nachname/Familienname or Surname/Family Name is Seeber.
Straße or Streetname is Siegener Str.
Hausnummer or House number is 7.
Postleitzahl or Postal code is 65936.
Wohnort/Ort/Stadt or Residence/Place/City is Frankfurt a.M.

Mailing Envelope:

Words to check:

Bin                     Ich                 frau             kind

Heißen              Kommen         Du              beruf

Ist                     woher              guten tag   name

The following words are nouns and should be capitalized:
Frau = die Frau (female in gender)
Kind = das Kind (neutral in gender)
Beruf = der Beruf (male in gender)
Name = der Name (male in gender)
Tag  = der Tag (male in gender)

Verbs and with correct written form:

Ich = Ich is correctly written with a capital letter I when it is in the beginning of a sentence. And with small letter i when it is not.
du = du is always in small letter d.

Other words:
Woher = Woher is correctly written with a capital letter W. It is a question word which means Where from.


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Quote of the Day

To remember everyday

Never underestimate the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Everybody can make the impossible things happen in the name of the Lord.