Bible Verse of the Day

Matthew 21:22
"And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith."

Friday, October 8, 2010

Rice and spicy foods

I had fried rice with shrimps cooked with garlic soy sauce, oyster sauce, pepper, and salt. And with garlic and chili sauce on top which I bought yesterday at the Asia Markt. Pheww...the garlic and chili sauce is very very spicy. But I love it! Most of the time I crave for spicy foods and fried rice.

Our teacher showed us a picture of a Supermarket. And taught us the Deutsch words of the things we can find in a Supermarket. Here we go...

der Einkaufswagen or the cart

das Regal or the shelf

der Gang or the passage

die Abteilung or the section

der Verkäufer/die Verkäuferin or the salesperson
der Verkäufer is for male
die Verkäuferin is for female

der Kunde/ die Kundin or the buyer/customer
 der Kunde is for male
die Kundin is for female

die Ecke or the corner
die Theke or the counter

die Tiefkühlkost or the frozen foods

 die Tiefkühltruhe or the freezer

 die Kasse or the cashier desk
der Kassierer/die Kassiererin or the cashier
der Kassierer is for male
die Kassiererin is for female
die Waage or the scale

das Wechselgeld or the change

der Kassenbon/der Kassenzettel or the receipt

das Kleingeld or the coins

der Schein or the paper bill

I am not familiar with these words yet. I need to memorize these as well as the article and gender that comes with the word. These are nouns. When you need to memorize the nouns, always do it with the gender or article.

We will be back to school on 25th October. We have 2 weeks holidays...Autumn Holidays!

Autumn has started. And I have been desiring to make photos of the beautiful yellow/orange/red leaves of the trees. However, not all trees yet have their leaves changed their colors. I am very much looking forward to this.

Ich wünsche euch einen schöne Feier!

God bless!

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Quote of the Day

To remember everyday

Never underestimate the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Everybody can make the impossible things happen in the name of the Lord.