Bible Verse of the Day

Matthew 21:22
"And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith."

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sample of Personal Letter

Personal Letter 1
To a Close Friend or Relative

Cactus City, den 25. Nov. 20021     
Liebe Maria,2
Über deinen3 letzten Brief haben wir uns sehr gefreut! Tut mir leid, dass ich schon lange nicht geantwortet habe, aber nun endlich bekommst du mal wieder ein Lebenszeichen von uns.

Wie du schon weißt, war Jim drei Wochen lang in Asien auf Geschäftsreise. Da musste ich hier zu Hause fast alles machen und kam nie dazu, dir zu schreiben. Aber mittlerweile läuft fast alles bei uns wieder "normal" and ich habe ein bisschen Zeit, um zur Feder zu greifen.
Am Mittwoch waren wir bei Barbara und Dan zum Abendessen. Sie lassen auch grüßen und hoffen dich wieder im Sommer in Berlin zu besuchen. Dan arbeitet immer noch bei...
Schöne Grüße, auch von Jim!
Deine Sarah [your signed first name]4

1 City from which you are writing and the date; the den is optional
2 Liebe... Dear... For a male, you would write Lieber...
3 deinen your Under the new spelling rules, the familiar "you" forms are not capitalized, but many Germans still do so anyway.
4 A male would use Dein

More Closing Phrases & Formulae
Alles Liebe - All my/our love, with love
Herzliche Grüße - Best wishes/Yours/Regards
Liebe Grüße und Küsse - Love and kisses
Viele liebe Grüße - Yours

Personal Letter 1
English Translation

Cactus City, the 25th of Nov. 2002     
Dear Maria,
We were so glad to get your last letter! I'm sorry it has taken so long for me to reply, but now once again you're finally getting some indication that we're still alive.

As you already know, Jim was traveling in Asia on business for three weeks, so I had to do almost everything here at home, and never could find the time to write you. But in the meantime, almost everything here is running "normally" again, and I have a little time to set pen to paper.
On Wednesday we had dinner at Barbara and Dan's. They say hello and are hoping to visit you again in Berlin this summer. Dan is still working at...
Best wishes - from Jim, too!
Your Sarah

 * from

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Quote of the Day

To remember everyday

Never underestimate the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Everybody can make the impossible things happen in the name of the Lord.