Bible Verse of the Day

Matthew 21:22
"And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith."

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Parts of a Business Letter (German)

 English term = German term in Singular form / Plural term

Sender = der Absender / die Absender
Recipient = der Adressat / die Adressaten
Date and Place = der Ort und das Datum / die Orte / die Daten
Subject Heading = die Betreffzeile / die Betreffzeilen
Salutation or Form of Address = die Anrede / die Anreden
Word/Text = der Text / die Texte
Complimentary Close = die Grußformel / die Grußformeln
Signature = die Unterschrift / die Unterschriften
Enclosures = die Anlagen (already in plural, singular is die Anlage)

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Quote of the Day

To remember everyday

Never underestimate the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Everybody can make the impossible things happen in the name of the Lord.