Bible Verse of the Day

Matthew 21:22
"And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith."

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Flying with Emirates

Just got back from headaches + dizziness due to stress and fatigue in packing and giving, selling away my old stuffs which I could not bring with me to Germany. I have only 30 kilos of check-in baggage + 7 kilos for hand-carry baggage. Yesterday while I did not go to work and just stayed home to rest, I could not resist but to arrange my box again and make final decisions as to which dresses, clothes and shoes I must bring. I have only 9 pairs of shoes/sandals/boots in my box out of the 13 pairs shoes left. The other 8 pairs which I have successfully sold to my friends and neighbors were easy for me to let go off since they were not my favorites. I think I would just sell or keep and leave the remaining 4 favorite pairs at home and get them back when I will be coming back - nobody knows when!...or maybe sell them instead!

On the midnight of 23rd August, or better 00:20am of 24th August, I will be flying with Emirates heading to Dubai for almost 4 hours and 15 minutes stop-over then heading to my destination - Hamburg. It will be my first time to fly outside Philippines. Hopefully the stop-over will be a nice short experience for me to be at least in the Dubai International Airport. Heard that it is the world's largest airport. Maybe I will just sit down by the corner, order a Latte Macchiato or a nice Iced Coffee and watch people passing by.


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Quote of the Day

To remember everyday

Never underestimate the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Everybody can make the impossible things happen in the name of the Lord.