Bible Verse of the Day

Matthew 21:22
"And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith."

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Climate not so good and calls for shopping

I seriously need warmer clothings to enjoy this kind of weather, atleast! Every morning is too cold for me. We do have some heaters at home and we set it to 3 or 4. I check the thermometer and it is warmer inside the house than outside. Utmost 9 to 10 degrees warmer. But still I feel like I am in a refrigerator.

The thick clouds has been covering the sun lately. And it isn't a pleasant thing for us here. In the Philippines, I have been avoiding the sun when I am out. But here, I am looking for the sun to shine on me. I love dressing up with layers as I have been wanting this when I was in the Philippines. Unfortunately, I think I should do some shopping for warm or yet warmer clothings.

I wish I could get my money/benefits which I am still waiting for from my previous employer. And run to the city to do a bit shopping at H&M.


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Quote of the Day

To remember everyday

Never underestimate the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Everybody can make the impossible things happen in the name of the Lord.